Major renovations are underway at Station 5 near Park and Preston. Two more bays will be added along with a complete remodel of the living quarters. Check out this video from the…
Category: Homepage
TCFAAA Chief’s Forum
On Saturday September 17, PFRA members along with Plano Fire Chief Biggerstaff attended the Texas Citizen’s Fire Academy Alumni Association (TCFAAA) Chiefs’ Forum in Garland. Nine Fire Chiefs from nine North Texas…
Plano’s Newest Firefighters
PFRA welcomes the newest recruits to Plano Fire-Rescue! We are excited to see you in the stations and work along side you during public service events! Photos from the graduation ceremony are…
Honoring Lt. Albert Valdez
PFRA mourns the loss of Plano Firefighter Lt. Albert Valdez who passed away at his home on December 6. Many PFRA members personally knew Albert and were privileged to volunteer at his…
Pictures from PFR Truck Pull, Flags of Honor, and Plano Touch-a-Truck
Saturday November 4th was a busy day at the Plano Red Tail Pavilion! Plano Fire-Rescue hosted a Fire Truck Pull fundraiser, the Plano Rotary Club hosted the Flags of Honor display in…