On Thursday, October 8th, 13 PFRA members helped greet the public, answer questions, and provide tours at PFR’s Fire Station Open House event. Almost 700 visitors signed in across all 13 stations! …
PFRA Helping Out at the Plano Balloon Festival
PFRA was at the 2015 Plano Balloon Festival, discussing fire and life safety information with the kids and handing out lots of freebies. We also sold pink T-shirts for the Plano Firefighters…
Say Hello to the New Truck 4
Plano Fire-Rescue recently took delivery of their new Rosenbauer 101’ rear mount Smart Aerial ladder truck. Features: FX 3/16” aluminum tandem axle aerial body, high side compartments with painted Robinson Roll-up doors,…
PFRA Welcomes Chief Greif to Plano Fire-Rescue!
Special thanks to (once again!) PFRA photographer John Mouser for these latest additions to the PFRA photo gallery: o Chief Sam Greif welcome and reception o Swearing-In ceremony
Plano Fire-Rescue Names PFRA Member “Volunteer of the Year”
Congratulations to PFRA member John Mouser, who Plano Fire-Rescue has awarded as their “Volunteer of the Year” for 2014. This of course comes as no surprise to us at PFRA, as John…