Personal bricks are given to upcoming or recently retired firefighters by friends or family to own and keep at their house. It has the same engraving as a sidewalk brick. Only one (1) personal brick can be purchased.
Click here to order a PERSONAL brick
Plano Fire-Rescue retirement bricks are 8” x 4” and are engraved with each retiree’s name, year of hire, and year of retirement. Sidewalk bricks already installed in the sidewalk have been paid for by the Plano Firefighters Association Local 2149 or by the PFRA. Bricks are installed by the Plano Parks & Rec once a minimum of 30 bricks have been accumulated.

Use this webpage to look up the location of a retired firefighter’s brick:

Steve Stoler, Plano’s Director of Media Relations, has produced a short video about the Plano Fire-Rescue Retiree Sidewalk project at Station 1. Click here to watch the video on YouTube.